After Fire-Eaters, both North and South, fanned partisan, controversial flames into open hostilities, the South was faced with alarming dilemmas: How was it going to feed it's people? How was it going to clothe its standing armies, and provide them with the means with which to carry the fight to the enemy?
President Davis had an ingenious, but not very sound, idea: Send a one-man-team to Europe to acquire 'beans-and-bullets" for the soldiers and food for the civilians!
That one man was Colonel Caleb Huse. An uprooted, transplanted-Yankee from Massachusetts who had wed a Southern gal, and embraced all things Southern.
In my forthcoming Blogs I hope to share with you snippets from my book: "Dancing with the Philistines: The Life and Times of Colonel Caleb Huse." The untold story of an unsung hero of the South - who single-handedly tried so desperately, against all odds, against Richmond politics, swindlers, back-stabbers, traitors, turn-coats, and Union Secret Agents determined to sabotage him at every step of the way, to keep the Confederacy afloat for "four arduous years," as Gen. Rob. E. Lee later would quote in a farewell speech to his men.
I welcome your questions and comments!!
Until we meet again.